Pubg mobile information

   Pubg mobile information

Pubg mobile Image

Hello guys do you play PUBG too?
 So know that PUBG mobile is the most popular game in the world, this game is used by people 100M +, its downloading is 4.2 and its rating is 4.2 and you can download it from Google Play Store, its size is 1.6GB,

  It is very fun to play PUBG mobile and there are many users, so you will know that 59 Chinese apps have been sold in the Government of India]

  Therefore, the question must be arising in your mind whether PUBG mobile is also a Chinese app or not.

 So we are going to tell you today, friends, read this article in full. Friends PUBG mobile has been created by two companies. The company name is Tencent Games and LIGHTSPEEL & QUANTUM ATENCENT. One of these companies is Tencent Games Chinese Company and it is LIGHTSPEEL & QUANTUM ATENCENT  Korean company is why both companies are making a lot of money from PUBG mobile mobile. Friends, from a glance, PUBG mobile is a Chinese app or not.

  Because China has a huge contribution in this and South Korea too but the Government of India has not said anything about PUBG mobile mobile Friends, you can play PUBG mobile right now India is not banned.

 And we talk about its update, its update can increase anytime and how big its size can be MB, so we cannot say because this is in the hands of PUBG mobile mobile company!

  You must have understood, friends, what do you think?  Please tell us below


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